Being a member at city mud gives you access to our 2,500 sq ft space at all times of the day (and night!), every day. The membership is meant for potters who feel comfortable working alone in the studio, who understand the basics of working with clay and glaze, and who want to be a part of a welcoming group of Denver potters!
A membership here includes:
24/7 access to the studio via an app on your phone or a key card.
Access to our member only room in the studio that is available even when classes or events are in session- we want you to always have a place to be here!
Member events that support a sense of community here like potlucks and plus one days- where members can spend a day at the studio with a friend
First dibs and a discount on events that are open to the public such as workshops and artist talks
A 5.3 sq ft private shelf at the studio
If you aren’t sure whether you’re a good fit for the membership but are interested feel free to reach out to us by email at and we’ll talk through it.
Our space has:
15 Shimpo wheels (Whispers & Lites)
One kick wheel
A large Northstar slab roller
17 commercial glazes, with a combination glaze board of 50 glaze combos (+ more to come)
A wall mounted extruder
Community tools including a Giffin Grip, banding wheels, and chucks
2 large handbuilding tables
Black, white, green, and blue underglaze and white slip
4 clay bodies available for purchase at the studio at market price:
Rocky Mountain’s BMX smooth
Rocky Mountain’s BMX grog
Rocky Mountain’s Speckled buff
New Mexico Clay’s Chocolate clay (dark clay body)
in-house reclaim
Members pay for clay at the studio at market price, and pay firing fees for their work at 3c per cubic inch for both glaze and bisque firings.
We fire to cone 6 oxidation, and typically do at least one glaze and one bisque load per week
At this time we can’t support production potters and we ask that members use only clays and glazes that we have in house, although outside underglaze and stains can be brought in with permission.
Our memberships are $175/month
To get on our waitlist for a membership, check out this page below!
Wait time is typically 1-3 months